Partnership is formed; Board of directors is assembled & Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel is born.
Yeshiva opens with 52 boys in Kindergarten, Pre-1A, 9th Grade, and Beis Medrash.
The Yeshiva has its first ever annual dinner at the Washington Hotel, Belle Harbor, NY.
Yeshiva purchases 12,000 square feet of property.
Yeshiva opens 20,000 square foot building including, Beis Medrash & Dining Room.
Rabbi Shmuel Ahron Rosenshein joins the yeshiva.
Yeshiva hosts Chanukas HaBayis.
First High School graduating class.
Second track is created.
Rabbi Yissocher Weiner joins the yeshiva
First Elementary School students graduate from Yeshiva Ketana.
Rabbi Sender Strassfeld joins the Yeshiva.
Building expands to 45,000 square feet and the first gym is built.
Pioneer students graduate from High School.
A parallel High School class is created.
Rabbi Asher Mandel joins the yeshiva.
The yeshiva expands the Beis Medrash program.
Yeshiva completes land acquisitions of 14,000 square feet on East 36th street.
Hachnosas Sefer Torah Li Ilu Nishmas Elchonon Tzvi Kramer.
Third Extension is now 90,000 square feet and includes a second gym and 60% bigger Beis Medrash.
Alumni committee is formed.